The Monoprice USB microscope is light years ahead of those clunky old microscopes we used in science class. Need a microscope for your kid’s science class or for your own needs? We highly recommend this technologically advanced yet affordable Monoprice USB Digital microscope. J| Can you get 5G signals with an over-the-air antenna?.J| What is good signal strength on a cell phone?.J| NICE AND EASY: How many tuners does a Genie client (or Gemini) use?.J| Why are there commercials on channels that you pay for?.J| Can you watch YouTube videos on your DIRECTV receiver?.J| STREAMING SATURDAY: Screaming Saturday (and every other day).J| How easy is it to switch from DIRECTV Satellite to DIRECTV Internet (DIRECTV Stream)?.J| What’s wrong with cables with molded ends?.J| Who’s responsible for getting good cell service inside a commercial building?.J| Want Starlink for your boat? Here’s what you need to do.

J| Do you need a new satellite system for your boat?.J| Finally, a Mini Electric Screwdriver for Meticulous Jobs.J| Solid Signal’s offices are closed for Independence Day.J| Podcast #535: It’s a Twofer: Nexstar and the myth of antenna amplifiers.